aWeSOme candies

Friday 30 September 2011

MaRi kita Melawat LadaNg ahaha

frust gle sgn ap yg berlaku skrg(me ye)
lgi2 dgan final around the corner
teramat laa terase ke'frust'annye
but sokay
gotta get used to it
soo as a way to calm our mind
ktrng amik kputusan tuk berjaln2 di ladang
firststop was the COWS
sgat la besa tp.....
tme nie xmo lak kluakn cmere coz terlalu
excited la pulak ahahha
so pegang2 kasi rumput ckit
pastu kita melihat laa lembu2 sekalian melepaskan hajat
hahahah terus kluar dari situ

den kite melawat kekambings~
may fav dish
eeehhh3 tgok3 ade baby lamb laaaa
shooomeeeyhhh seyh
(....bese lah org xpnh tgok kambing)
n somehow this special lil lamb
ske ikut ktrang
sgatlah shomeyh

tgok kekadang mcam kucing lak ikut2 org
sgat tomeyhh..
peluk2 nie
habis lahh kte bau kambing
ahahha xpe...bau makanan ahahaha
mummy n baby goat
n sye terserempak dgn species kambing yang sgat pelik
menyerupai manusia
so sye kasi la mkan
tgok2 rupenye jantan n betine
so kte tnggalkan kambing tu n g tgok seladang yg kat ats bukit sane nun
penat seyh
tgok betape acending bukit nie
rase nak golek2 jew trun
tp sabaar
kang org ckap pe kang

jauh2 jalan last2 bertemu lah dgn seladang
first impression
so sy try amik rumput kering ckit n try panggil
n makin dekat
tp slow gle!!
bak kata fahsya
"dye penat jalan,jln selangkah un da pnat tu pasal dye benti2"
so kte try panggil2 ag tp xdtg
last2 laku jgak
ade lembu dtg mkan wwwooohhh
da sdap mkan msty ajak kwn2
soo sy amik laaa lgi bnyk
akhirnye smpai gak seladang tu
den kita menyaksikan pertarungan bect
go go go
den tgok matahri da mcam nak tenggelam jew
kte terpakselah ckap bye2 kat dorang
thanks 4 da attention
wish me luck 4 my final taauuu!
n alll the best to everyone in UPMKB for finals!!!

Thursday 29 September 2011

JaMuan BeLok saye! =3

haaa today was a really pact day fuuhhh tired maa
Im da ajk dekorasi for my jamuan blok
ya trying to make it look nice n all
but i was soo buzy tday that the others have to decorate
u guys did AWESOME!!
the theme:bedtime stories uhhuh
n the food fuuuuhhh!!!
there was this sparkling drink on da table buut
i didnt know since wen dey opened
or hmmm

den we dacoraaatee!

look I made patric uhuhuh
n there was a visit from this butterfly
kinda coincidence
coz our blok is lepidoptera(butterfly)
it was soooo funnn!!
I love my BLOK!!

Sunday 25 September 2011

me..Love?? no3......


like all those korean drama's
love is always in de air
they always show how sweet a couple is
which make u saaay
all the time

its nice to see others
having someone to love n support them
someone they can share their hearts content
like problems and all
but the best thing is to see them
happy =]

i've got my family
n i love dem so mucchh!

happy family!

but still
im hopin that one day
i'll find the rite one.....
wen im 21
(mcam abh cakap eehhe)


sorry it took a while
uspot as usual =3
yep da title says it all
it was SO AWESOME!!
serious this is the firsttime Ive had ever been to a party wOOhh
(budak baek =P tuiih)
I wanted to dress more like tiger but
eventually change of plans
wanted to buy cat eyes but too darn expensive 
so this will hav to do =]

but the best thing of all
never met any seniors as awesome as dem
they r SOOoo NICE

wooOOoohhh all sooo woderland ishh ahah

wOOOoow one of the best memories of my life
its a sad thing that
the semestr 5 is leaving soon =[
was just gettin to know dem better ='{

overall this is the best party everrrrrr

chiao <3

Tuesday 20 September 2011

The ReaL Me =[

Okay today I just want to share something about me
its not about anyone else
its not about other stuff
its about the real me

Okay it took me a while to understand who I really am
but now I just want u all to know me
its like
I want u all to know the real story behind me

okay fuuhh
sejak kte dari tadika sampai sekarang
sikap kte mmg same
kte xtau la cmne nak ubahkan n camne kte kekalkan

ap yg kte ckap lepas nie mmg jujur
kte dr dulu adlah seorang by-stander
kire cam orang tengah untuk segala-galanya @ org back stage

kte mmg bukan jenis yg suka famous,ske jadik org pertama
or suke just duk diam
kalo terkenal pown
msty cbb ade kaitan dgr org fames ke
cam kte ade suke org fames ke
ad kawan ngan org fames ke
ad mslah ngan org fames ke

kalo kte sorang jew kat dunie nie
mmg langsung xdikenali la

I finally found out about myself 
I tried being famous but
Its just not me
I tried k
maybe Im not used to it
n maybe some of u know my issue aginst guys
dats also da reason Im not so close with guys
but since Im in U rite now its time to know more people

I want people to know me because of me
I love my friends
even if they dont know everything about me 
n they only know some of them
Its okay its not their fault
Coz Im not the "tell everyone,everything type"
yeah I like to keep things to myself u see
I dont want them to think about my problems coz I know evryone has their own

Im just not used to it
sometimes I do want to feel famous once in a while
atleast know other people besides my friends
Im a by-stander
it means,I always there wen people need me =>

thats all I want u to know..
Im not famous
Im not a loser
Im not a backstabber
Im your friend

Monday 19 September 2011


sebelum itu saya nak ucapkan 
terima kasih kepada
lecturer saya en.rezalman
untuk mengajar saya ICT selame semester 1 saya di UPMKB
moga2 saya mendapat A untuk ICT

n here is da chocolate ball that he gave us all as a last gud bye
(took a bite coz its just plain irresistable)
like all my food,I will definately take a bite first before I review it ahahhaha

Seriously dis thing is SUPER DELICIOUS
for sharing this delicious treat with us all
we will always remember u as an AWESOME lecturer

dnt worry sir I will do my best in my finals
thank you

KeM in SiMiLaJau!!

okay back to cool n calmness =]
I had fun there though
uhuhu met lots of AWESOME PEOPLE!!
ya its here I get to know people dat I dont really know ^^
but still overall its freakin AWESOME!!
n the beach FUUUHHH!!
we had a mini sukanneka there n its just plain fun dere
ahahah senaman sebelum sukanneka
ahhahaah den ktewng dptlah bermain di tepi2 pantai
selame 15 minits =[
but wat the heck!
hav FUN!!
uhuhuh we had tonnes of fun with all da activities dere
uhhhh especially da food
den its time to get back 
but b4 dat we had a time to say sorry to each other
(ahahahha dis is Mc Millan he's AWESOME wen it comes to playin guitar)
But the best of all is the CAMPFIRE nite
MaaaaNNn we all sang our hearts out to songs like da oldies
ahahha n dis guys here just plays da guitar like a pro awww mann
makes us all kinda speech less ahahha
n dis kittty here too
he's soo freakin adoreable
but dere's only one catch
somehow each time I pet him like dis he will simultaneously sleep
but wen everyone else does it, he will scratch dem
uhuhuhu cute lil kitty
seee sleep again
ahahah so cuteee
buhbye lil kitty

n dats all 4 similajau trip
but didnt get to see any crocs though =[
here a lil sometin2
ehhehehe tu haaa ade buaye ahahhahahaha
thankx every one for da trip
n especially mc millan for playin all all our request songs ehehhe

Thursday 15 September 2011

Oh YeaH! MY RAYA!!

forgot to post picx of my rayer
so here it is
its AWESOME!!!
this is just a frog at the pond but da pic is sooo nice =>
this is my dad cuttin some mangoes which he always does 4 me <3
ahakx my mommy blocking my dad
"adik3 tengok cepat tengok"
makcu,pakngah,dad,adik,mama n mio =3
my sis , my mom n me ohohoh
Ok this is our formal photo^look how it became more AWESOME~

the gang
makin faces!
ahahha sesi maaf-maafan
photography sesion
but i dun wan
den we had our 4th day of raya at Cameron Highland which is freakin cold!
hehehe see bujang senang clip
seriously freezin

raya wif love<3