aWeSOme candies

Tuesday 20 September 2011

The ReaL Me =[

Okay today I just want to share something about me
its not about anyone else
its not about other stuff
its about the real me

Okay it took me a while to understand who I really am
but now I just want u all to know me
its like
I want u all to know the real story behind me

okay fuuhh
sejak kte dari tadika sampai sekarang
sikap kte mmg same
kte xtau la cmne nak ubahkan n camne kte kekalkan

ap yg kte ckap lepas nie mmg jujur
kte dr dulu adlah seorang by-stander
kire cam orang tengah untuk segala-galanya @ org back stage

kte mmg bukan jenis yg suka famous,ske jadik org pertama
or suke just duk diam
kalo terkenal pown
msty cbb ade kaitan dgr org fames ke
cam kte ade suke org fames ke
ad kawan ngan org fames ke
ad mslah ngan org fames ke

kalo kte sorang jew kat dunie nie
mmg langsung xdikenali la

I finally found out about myself 
I tried being famous but
Its just not me
I tried k
maybe Im not used to it
n maybe some of u know my issue aginst guys
dats also da reason Im not so close with guys
but since Im in U rite now its time to know more people

I want people to know me because of me
I love my friends
even if they dont know everything about me 
n they only know some of them
Its okay its not their fault
Coz Im not the "tell everyone,everything type"
yeah I like to keep things to myself u see
I dont want them to think about my problems coz I know evryone has their own

Im just not used to it
sometimes I do want to feel famous once in a while
atleast know other people besides my friends
Im a by-stander
it means,I always there wen people need me =>

thats all I want u to know..
Im not famous
Im not a loser
Im not a backstabber
Im your friend

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