aWeSOme candies

Tuesday 6 December 2011

KeKucing Dan BeBishkuts =3

bnyk btui assgnment n report sana sini
hard too keep track
but sokay
sikit2 lama2 jadik bukits =3

back to reality ;)
so tday we had to do a forum for oral interaction skill
^about peacefull assembly bill 2011
after all da blah...blah...blah
we had to do our ellis
(like an englsh excrsice in da pc)
it may be easy
but doin it again and again....makes u crazy =8
da hampir separuh nyawe...bru 401??

dis is an exrcise where u hav to choose da word da person said
yeah very simple
but to hear that same person say 621 words??
kepalakx hotakx!
cair otak den satu ari ><

den dalam proses pencairan otak itu
terperasan sometin =D
eh2!cookie lahhh ><

eheheh bole ade pulakkk
waduuuhhh dah "ter"ingat ehehe

tp overall
thank you so much cookie =3
for what?

for givin me a chance to play

which is da main reason y i bought my nds in da first place =D
tp selame ni xdpt men =[
so sangatlah excited =D
betape comeyhnye my dog =D

i hav a labrador retriever
name dye
so korang jgan lah pelik kalo kte
panggil2 name dye kat nds

n da supah delicious buhger!!

da sloopier da better =D
walaupun dah terhempas dilantai
kerane burger tu cbe bnuh diri
ia tetap sedap gile!!
kekenyangan perutku yg sudah boroi ahahah!

serious thank a lot bishkuts =3

seb bek sedang mkan meggi(oh!akhirnya)
asam laksa msak kering =3 comeyh nan bekas katak

time update blog nih
xde lah meleleh tgok burger uhuhuh
ayte itu saje tuk tday

Tata For Now =3

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