aWeSOme candies

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Ryu one of the sweetest fishes i ever own =']

Ryu actually means Dragon =]

Oh ryu =]
even if other people say that fishes dont have feelings
I know you do


even if u cant speak or make a sound

I understand....

because every time Im around 
you always swim around ur little tank
to show how excited you are =']

When I give u away for others to take care of you
you arent as active as always n just lay around
I know.....
you're sad

Im sorry I havent been taking care of you seriously
Im not always around
n I sometimes forgot about you
you have always been there
sittin in your tank on the edge of my table
waiting for your meal =]

I love you RYU!
Im sorry that I have to give you away T_T
even if I let someone take care of you for this 3 months
that 3 months is a long time
they might get attached to you

I know how it feels to have someone take a pet away
so I choose to give you away
I hope your new owner will treat you right

I know you cant understand it
I just wanted to say
you're the best fish I've ever had 

One in a Million ryu!

Thursday 1 March 2012

What I alwayz wanted =D : PArte 2

baiklah disini kami akan meneruskan perjuangan kami
untuk mengetahui top 1 =D

4. My Kitty CarameL =D

maaann i miss my baby ='[
n i cant wait to see her lil baby boy =D 
tp ckrg da around 1 month plus n soo addoreable
cute Ginger Pie <3
alahaaaiiiii =3

3.Love letters =$ 

haiihh zaman sekarang mane cam dulu dah
xde men surat2 kat pos
chat kat fb or tweet2 jerk

actually its way better den dat =3
its simple but worth a lot =$

2.Wedding Ring ahahahahah!!!

hello sape xnak kawen?
ofcourse not now >< day =3

ok lastly ><...............

1. a Dolphin necklace
out of all the things i could choose from

i used to have one ='[
my mommy gave it to me
i really liked it so i never took it off
but one day it fell off at school
i cried coz it meant a lot to me

it looked exactly like this one but
my dolphin had a diamond as its eye><
i just wished one day i could have it back ='[

sometimes things will never go the way u want it to be 
so y not appreciate wat we have now
"enjoy the little things"

Wednesday 29 February 2012

What I alwayz wanted =D

never thought of posting stuff like dis before
cause I never knew wat I wanted at times =/
cause yeah its better to enjoy the little things in life=3

nyummmyyy!!!feeds my sugah rush =D

9.STICKY ofcosh!
this bebeh is my fav CANDY!


miss eatin it wif my family =3
pralines n cream beb XD

sweeeeeeeeeeett mamaaa



top 4 will continue later><
terbuzy lah pulak