aWeSOme candies

Thursday 17 November 2011


yeah i know i havent been updating for a while
dah berdebu dah blog nih ehheh
mstly cause i just hav no idea on wat to post on 

Waaahhh!sungguh indah sekali dapat pulang ke upm

Waaaa!sungguh perit tinggalkn umah

butt i really do miss upm
miss seein my friends =D
but somehow

i hav been bullied by my friends =p
ya dis kind of bully

n for some reason
i dunno why =3
yeah right =p
^how i feel

but wat ev
i still love em 4 eva =D
well a lot happnd dis week
ya know,jadual pact =p

but lots of "other" things happend this week too ;]
but i think its best i keep it to myself
cause i love cats<---xde kaitan aahahaha

so hope u all hav a great new semestr n great time yah =D
u too cookie [ketua pembuli =3]

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