aWeSOme candies

Sunday 9 October 2011

Mens R Odd??

I kept reading posts about mens on facebook
(not dat i want to,its just rite in front of my face)
well i'd be lying if I didnt want to know
but sometimes the opposite sex are just hard to understand
isnt it?
or is it?

trust me every girl would want their prince charming <3
but what sort of prince charming exactly??

a hot buff guy with unbeliveably good looks?

or a real man who cares about them...n gud looks?

or just a man?

i fell odd talking about this topic (?_?) but wat da heck
my blog WooHH!\(^0^)/
(sengalism aquired)

ok lets start off with girl
(i mean me or who ever lah yg like dis)

1.girls like to be treated like a girl
(all due respect please,we are not a guy)

2.Girls,wen dey like someone,dey WONT tell u.
(u hav to tell her coz ur a MAN)

3.we girls HAVE to jual mahal coz ya lah kang jual murah org ckap ap plak kang
(*fyi I hate org yg ske tuduh xtentu pasl!)
(^based on da statement,kte xtujukan kat spe2)

4.Wen a girl likes a guy,they become easily jealous if dat guy is with othr girls
(if we say we're okay with it,we're lying)

5.If u want a girl to only be ur friend,ONLY friend..DONT TREAT HER MORE
(I mean no,syg2,or muah2..girls easily jatuh hati*explain later)

6.Girls hav ego too so treat her rite

7.Girl are soft loveable creatures(heh..heh..)but wen u disrespect her

8.Just hear me out,wen a girl falls for you,she wont forget u
da only way she could is if she finds someone else
(ur fault)

9.Why do men now days treat girls like some cheap trash

10.If you like a girl,please3 treat her rite,be a MAN n treat her like a GIRL

yeah but mens R SO HARD TO READ!!!
its not like reading a book
its like someone gives u a random food to eat
n u hav to tell dem wats in it by just smellin it
HeLL to the NO!

ok mood datang balik
(tgok scary movie fuyoh!syok)

*smbung pasal cecitew kengkawan gitu
Like I said Girls are easily jatuh hati
ok ur friends rite but den sometimes u treat her a lil more
just for ur info
she'll defitely notice it 
den wen she reaches her room 
she'll grab a pillow a scream her hearts out
(coz she likes u DUH!)
wen dat happens she'll expect more from u
n eventually u'll dissapoint her coz to u she's a friend
n u get a lil girl crying coz u broke her heart
n u sing dis song,
Im a heartbreaker,Im a heart breaker~
Im..Im..Im..Im a heart~

So please
a girls is like Ice Cream!!i Loike!
its soft n delicious <3
if u leave her under the hot sun
she'll melt =[
so keep her cool
treat her right

*kalau terperasan da ade like buttun~ down here
so hav fun wuhhuhu

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